Little game

Hello people, I made a little game a while ago.

It is a verry simple game with no nice graphics since I suck in designing :slight_smile:
The manual (lol) is in dutch, but all you have to do is click the balls in the right order, first nr 1 then 2 etc etc.
You can ask a hint (left top) if you cant find the ball you need to click but it will cost you points.
If you click on the wrong number, the balls will hussle again.
If you cant find the ball in time, the ball will be hightlighted (like the hint) but it cost 25 points.
If you cant find 4 balls …game over

There is only one goal in this game, and that is do it as fast as possible and if youre one of the 5 fasted players youre name will apear in the score list.
the fasted players name appears in the stratscreen (tim is best now, and will be verry hard to beat)

The boring game