Hi, I’ve been attempting to wrap my head around interaction and AS3 for the past few days and rather than continue to bang my head on the keyboard in frustration I figured I’d just ask for help on here ^_^.
I’m creating a piece where there is a box with a looping animation of people moving around and when you click the people a description of them apears in a box underneath. Dependant upon when you click a person the description also differs.
a mock screenshot:
(the silhouettes move about (i basically just drew frames over the top of a film I recorded) - the red dots represent static clickable objects)
I currently have it all set up as 30 seconds worth of frames (at 24fps) the different objects are all on different layers, and the animated people are symbols on their own seperate layers that are put in at the relevant starting frame and then run their course (be it from begining to end of the whole thing, or only for 5 seconds or so).
The problem I’m having is that I can’t figure out how to make it so those people/silhouettes are clickable cos they are movieclips not buttons and because generally my experience with actionscript in the past as been simply as a way of choosing what items to display based on conditional statements and the odd counter and things, mouse functionality is confusing the heck out of me especially as I’m trying to wrap my head around AS3 in the process. I really don’t even know where to begin with it all >_<.
Once I understand how to make them clickable I think I can handle making the second box display the relevant description - I assume by using a single movie clip for the box that has all the different descriptions on different keyframes. Said clip is stopped on frame 1 to start with (blank) then clicking people or objects tells it to go to the frame with the correct information in it. Would that be correct?
If someone would be kind enough to help in any way, be it pointing to a idiot proof tutorial or even explaining how to do it I would be eternally greatful.
Thank you in advance to anyone taking the time to read and reply.