Little && problem with some hungry frogs

ok so im making a game where your a fly that has to collect some erm…things but avoid getting hit by these frogs, whose tongues try to hit you when you got through there (hitTest) area.

To make it slightly easier, after theyve whipped there tongue out they shouldnt be able to strike again until that animation sequence has finished. Meaning once uv been past one ur safe for a few seconds.

this is the code iv used:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

if (_root.frog1hit.hitTest(this.hero_mouthit)&&(_root.frogmouth1.currentFrame=1)){

…so that should be saying if the fly comes into the area the frog will go for it ONLY if the frogs current frame is 1, however currently even if the frog hasnt finished the animation it will keep goin to frame 2 if ur still in the hit area.

I’m not great with these && things, have i done it correctly???

thanks alot