Load an external jpg file

when you export image in flash, theres a little box (after you choose the name). tick it to have a progressive jpg, un tick for normal jpg.

the difference is progressive loads in layers, normal loads down, if that makes sense ^-^


ok, next problem ^-^. i will just pot it here instead of making a new thread

i have a movieclip(1) on the main timeline. in this movieclip is another movie clip(2) that has movieclip(3) which has a few buttons to choose different urls. so, when you click on one link, i want the url to get loaded in movieclip(2). i have this code so far

on (press) {
chosen = “http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v295/wildapplecomics/episode-002.jpg”;

archive is the name of movieclip(2), and i put the linkage thing on, with the name archive.

so why isnt it working? any help would be great


So… If you have mc3 inside mc2, and inside mc3 buttons that you want to have an effect on mc2… Then

on (release) {

might be the solution :cons:

Oh, and about progressive jpg’s, most picture editing programs have an option to save as progressive (which means, that the jpg is compressed and when it’s loaded in browser, you can see it actually being downloaded…first it’s blurry and then gets sharper).
Fireworks exports .jpg’s as progressive by default, in Photoshop you have to go to ‘Save For Web’, if I remember right…

yeah i tried that, but it didnt work :\

i think i need to explain again.

mc2 has mc3. mc3 has a scrollpane. and this scrollpane loads mc4. mc4 is the button with the code on. sorry, i forgot to mention the scrollpane.



hah, i’m so stupid, i was writing the label name instead of the instance name ^-^ DOH!!

ok next question, here is the code i have on the button
on (press) {
chosen = “http://www.myimage.jpg”;

and this inside the archive mc. on the frame.
m_name._visible = false;
this.createEmptyMovieClip(“temp”, 1);
temp.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (m_name.getBytesLoaded() == m_name.getBytesTotal() && m_name.getBytesTotal() != 0) {
m_name._visible = true;
loaded = true;
delete this.onEnterFrame;

so i’m trying to get a different jpg link for different buttons. and the only way i can think of doing it was using “chosen” like i did with my old site for the transitions.

but it doesnt work, can anyone helpe?

