I have a problem, i load a dynamicaly text from a .txt file but when i use & the text finish after that charater, it’s not showen… i have embedded the text area with the upper+lower+numbers+punctuation and add the symbol & but nothing, still not working, can you see the properties of the text in the pictures i have attached. Do you know how to resolve this problem?
in flash you can target several items in a single .txt file
eg: in one txt file you can do this…
&content1=dddddddd ddddd ddddddd dddddd ddddd&
&content2=sssssss ssssssssss ssssssssss ssssssss ssss&
&content3=fffffff ffffff fffffff f f f f ffffffff ffffffffff&
think of the & symbol as an opening or closing tag…
if you specifically want an & symbol to appear in flash you will need to use %26