Hi everyone.
Well, I need a little help in Flash. I have a animation with 4 keyframes, and I have 4 white Movie Clips that change size along the animation.
I would like to load one image for each movie clip, and the image auto adjust to the size of Movie Clip. The loaded images could be bigger or more little than the Movie Clip, but I want them to auto adjust to Movie Clip size once they are loaded.
I made this code to load the images:
var carregadorImagemJogador1 = new Loader();
var carregadorImagemJogador2 = new Loader();
var carregadorImagemJogador3 = new Loader();
var carregadorImagemJogador4 = new Loader();
carregadorImagemJogador1.load(new URLRequest("Fotos/1.png"));
carregadorImagemJogador2.load(new URLRequest("Fotos/2.png"));
carregadorImagemJogador3.load(new URLRequest("Fotos/3.png"));
carregadorImagemJogador4.load(new URLRequest("Fotos/4.png"));
I just would like to change the size of the image after they are loaded and before they are added as child of mcPontuacoes.
Thanks for your attention.