Load MC only as rollOver and Follow mouse

i am trying to Load a MC only as rollOver and have it Follow the mouse.

I have a million rollovers and a million buttons made on one page.
and each has a small MC that needs to appear when rolled over.

maybe there is an easier way.

and suggestions?

-me :tb:

Yes there is an easier way.
You don’t have to create too many movieClips for the “rollOver MC”.

  1. Create one “rollOver MC”
  2. Create a dynamic text field and place it inside the “rollOver MC”.
  3. Everytime you rollOver a button, have the button assign a value (a description or watever) to the dynamic text field inside the “rollOver MC”.
  4. If you want the MC to follow your mouse, just use the:
    "startDrag(“MC_name”, lockCenter) accordingly. I’m sure you know how to use startDrag() right?
  5. Set the “_visible” property of the “rollOver MC” to “true” only when you mouse over the button(s). When you rollOut the button, set the “_visible” property of the “rollOver MC” to false.

You can even make everything more easier if you’re more advanced, by using duplicateMovieClips() for your buttons so that you don’t have to manually create “millions” of them.

Hope this helps in one way or another. :slight_smile:

yeh pretty confusing stuff there. rollover on another rollover?

rollOver on another rollOver?

hm…i didn’t write that on my previous post?