Load moive(.swf) into a dummy movie clip

Good day,
I would like to know how to load my movie(.swf) into a dummy movie clip in Flash MX

The motive is to reduce my load time.I understand the theory but don’t know how make it work.

The purpose:
I want the .swf files remain in the visitor’s browser cache, therefore it will appear instantly when the visitor load it again.

hmmm… i hope someone will underrstand what i am trying to say…


http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/loading.htm :slight_smile:

Here you go, take a look at this tutorial, it talks about loadmovie.


EDIT: aww kax beat me to it. =)

we posted different links so it doesn’t matter this time eg :wink:

Yeah, thank you so much for the replies…
I am going to try on those suggestion now. Hope it works!

hmmm… it doesn’t work for my movie.

This is how my movie goes…

  1. The Preloader progress bar load…

  2. The intro movie starts playing…
    (The preloader is in first scene of intro.swf, the intro is in second scene of intro.swf)

  3. After playing approx. 1/4 of my intro movie, the button (skip) appears.

  4. This is where the problem starts…

  5. In my Intro movie, I allow my visitors to skip the Intro movie and go into the Main movie (main.swf)

Still can’t figure it out! Anayone may help…pleaseeeee…