i wanna change color of mc. I have buttom Test and Parametri. In Test is movie testing.swf in Parametri you can change color of movie clips.
in file starttesting is make like this:
in layer1 is mcPlayer. In this mcPlayer are three layers, action, container and buttoms.
in action layer is this code:
mcButtonParametri.onRelease = function():Void{
mcButtonFoto.onRelease = function():Void{
function addMovie():Void{
var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader= new MovieClipLoader();
function addWindow(sLingage:String):Void{
var nIndex:Number = this.getNextHighestDepth();
var mcWindow:MovieClip = this.attachMovie(sLingage, "mcWindow"+nIndex, nIndex);
mcWindow._x= -50;
mcWindow._y= -100;
mcWindow.mcOkvir.onPress = function():Void{
mcWindow.mcOkvir.onRelease = function() :Void{
mcWindow.mcClose.onRelease= function():Void{
That is all.
All you can see in attache file
My problem is:
How can I change color of mcOksid(testing.fla), but color will be change when i push a upload buttom? WHen i push reset buttom, the color will come back to default.
Second problem, in testing.fla in layer OKSID, i have mcOksid and mcOksid2.
Know if i change color of mcOksid to blue, mcOksid2 has to be blue too.
Please help