Load movie


I would like to know how to load a movie in a particular postion(centered) in the current movie.I’ll be glad if someone can help me out with this soon.Thanks! :slight_smile:

hey ukiran =)

when a movie or jpg is loaded into a movie clip … the upper left corner of the movie or jpg will be placed at the registration point of the movie clip.

[size=1]what the hell is the registration point ?? :crazy:

based on that … you can easily place them wherever you want :slight_smile:

here’s an example on how to center it automatically …

Good example, kax… :wink:

The only problem ukiran will have is to figure out the instance._width and instance._height part when the external file is loaded dynamically… See this thread to see how to solve that problem…

Once you understand what kax did and what I did, all you need is to combine two to get what you want to achieve… :cowboy:

Thanks guys!That was really helpful!

no problem ukiran =)


I tried the following code to find out the dimesnsions of the loaded swf file,but it isnt working…mwidth and mheight take values=0.(container is an empty movieclip…)

on (release) {
loadMovie (“orgScreenShot.swf”, “container”);



How do I fix this?

Hey, ukiran…

That’s called crossposting and it is considered read bad… Please post ONE thread and do not post multiple threads with it… Also, this question has nothing to do with your previous question… Know what I mean??? :evil: I have answered real quick on the other thread…

I’m sorry! I’m new to such forums …so I didnt know…It wont happen again.

Thank you… :wink: