This has prolly been asked many times. But what’s the coding to load and external swf into another but have it go to a certain frame in that swf that’s being loaded. Many thanks in advanced.
This should get you started.
Thanks for replying. I know that stuff I just want it to go to a certain frame.
thats very easy, thats even easier than the loading swf coding, lol edit that swf that ur trying to load, on the first frame of that movie, just put a “gotoAndStop” script or a “gotoAndPlay” at the beginning of the movie, or where-ever you want the movie to start, so it just goes to a certain frame byitself, so just say if you wanted to goto say, frame 50, just use the coding below
And just to make sure about your question, did you mean is there coding to be able to load an external swf aswell as control the loaded movie and goto a certain frame ? If thats what ur really trying to do, i dont think you can do that lol. I don’t think parent flash movies can actually control swfs, just load them is really it.
Yes that’s what I wanted to know. I didn’t think it could be done either. Thanks for the input…
So I have a similar post out there on the main board. Does this go the same for trying to load action script in a parent swf, Like a infinit menue or hover captions?
nope I have a hompage.swf and inside that are some buttons. When you click on the button it loads rates.swf into homepage.swf. But inside rates.swf I have 4 frames with something on it. But I wanna load the rates.swf into hompage.swf and have it go to frame 4 from rates.swf. So I have a button from homepage.swf that loads a certain frame from rates.swf.
Whew…Hope that helps. Please let me know. Thanks.
I don’t see why you just modify your rates.swf to goto that frame 4 byitself, what you are trying to do is quite simple. Like what you are trying to do, is what I do all the time, i just make the external swfs independent of themselves, and if I need one my swfs to goto a certain frame, all i do is just edit the swf and it will automatically goto that frame byitself when loaded.
hmmm good call, I might have to do that