Load picture

Lets say I have a picture that I want to load directly in to a movieclip.

Movieclip name = picture
Image name = image.jpg

I tried something like this
loadMovie(“image.jpg”, picture);
but didnt work :frowning:

I have read everything on the link and it doesnt help me anything. So what am I doing wrong? Cant find anything about this in the forum either…
The image is the only dynamically loaded object.

I have a few dynamic textfields and a few other things but thats all.


should work (if picture is the instancename and is on the same timeline)
If that still don’t works, try another (non-progressive) jpg;)


Does this also work with v5. Im trying but i think this only can be done in MX

It should work, loadMovie is available since Flash5:)


holleo…i did be4 this method…
u shall put a " " at ur movie clip…
u shall write like that:

loadMovie(“image.jpg”, “picture”);

u try and c…i think it will work

Thanks a lot everyone!
karenas code worked fine for me=D