Load properties from xml + using attributes - how?

I want to use xml to load the properties of my flash movie instead of a .txt file. What I have in mind is the following piece of xml:

 <property name="color" value="0xffff00" />
 <property name="height" value="100" />
 <property name="background" value="no" />

I know how to use the XML.load(“settings.xml”); function in flash, but I’m not sure how to use the name attributes to get the values. I don’t know if this is even possible? What I’ve only done so far with xml is use a for-loop to iterate through all the nodes. I’ve never used attributes.

So I think my question is: Can I access a particular node within my xml, by calling it by it’s (unique) nodename or attribute-name?

Can someone push me in the right direction please?

Okay found it myself

path = "/root/property[@name='color']";
arNodes = mx.xpath.XPathAPI.selectNodeList(this.firstChild, path);