Load swf last on web page

I have a swf as the header of one of my web pages. Is there a way to make the rest of the content (usually a single jpeg) load first. I think for a low speed connection viewers have to wait a while for the header to finish before they can see anything else. Any ideas on how to do this?


you can do it with javascript - a simple preloading script should work nicely…


Hmmm, I didnt even think of that I was more worried about changing the flash file. You mean a script that will load the jpeg first like:

<!–if (document.images){ pic1= new Image(500,325); pic1.src=“http://wherever.com/image1.jpg”; }//–>

i can never remeber the preloader code but prbably!! :stuck_out_tongue: lol

jus looked it up an yer ur right :wink:


PS that SHULD work anyway…

Thanks! :slight_smile:

no prob :slight_smile:
