Load text into dynamic MC - but replaces previous mc!

This is freaking me out…
I have a function which adds movieclips dynamically into another
movieclip. Inside the dynamic movieclip is a dynamic textbox
(it gets it’s content from a textfile via the function).

However, if I add more than one movieclip, the previous added
mc’s gets the textbox value undefined (doesn’t matter if it’s an
identical mc or a different one). And it hasn’t got to do with levels,
I’ve already checked that…

Here’s the function:
addTxt = function (src, objWidth, xpos, ypos, level) {
text_lv = new LoadVars();
text_lv.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
clip_mc = _root.contentContainer_mc.content_mc.attachMovie(“text_mc”, “text”+level+"_mc", level);
clip_mc._x = xpos;
clip_mc._y = ypos;
clip_mc.text_txt._width = objWidth;
clip_mc.text_txt.html = true;
clip_mc.text_txt.htmlText = text_lv.txt;
clip_mc.text_txt._height = clip_mc.text_txt.textHeight;

the function is called by an “XML-loop”, and the level-var is changed for each mc that is to be created.
so how can this be??? :frowning:

I will be extremely happy if someone of you guys knows the solution to my problem!

Thank you very much in advance :slight_smile: