Load / unload movie crashes my pc!

Hi guys, basically I’ve had a really hard time trying to unload / load external swf slideshows. I’ve got it so I can load the first one fine, but when I tell it to go to the next frame with the next movie, the movie bit is just blank. If I have a link that goes directly to the frame of the second movie before loading the first movie, the second movie loads fine then, but will not load once the first movie has been loaded, if that makes sence.

So I followed a tutorial on here to load and unload. And it almost works! The first movie loads, then I click the second movie and that loads, and then I click back on the first movie and the friggin pc crashes!!

The two movies are on the “home” and “ds” buttons at http://joegilbertphotography.co.uk/test%20load%20and%20unload/test.html

Please help its doing my head in!!!

My script is below:

// Container
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
// Url Requests
var imageRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“home.swf”);
var imageRequestPs3:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“ps3.swf”);
var imageRequestPs2:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“ps2.swf”);
var imageRequestPsp:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“psp.swf”);

// Intial Page Loaded
imageLoader.x = 150;
imageLoader.y = 150;
// Button Functions
function goHome (e:MouseEvent):void{
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goHome);
function goPs3 (e:MouseEvent):void{
ps3_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goPs3);
function goPs2 (e:MouseEvent):void{
ps2_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goPs2);
function goPsp (e:MouseEvent):void{
psp_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goPsp);