I know this can be done in html but flash I don’t know.
I want to stay on the same url page and load another url in my flash movie. You can do this with SWF’s, you have a main movie and then you can load a second swf into the main movie. Can this be done with a main swf and load in a url page into the swf?
No, HTML pages cannot be loaded INTO Flash. The only HTML Flash supports is HTML formatted text such as bold, italics, underline, font face, color, size, and links.
could just pop it into a frames page, or activate a url with a target of _self.
Actually if targetting a specific frame the target would be “framename” as you must assign your frame a name tag and target that.
but, you also have a choice of the four fabs too, lost…
_blank - creates a blank window
_parent - sends it to the parent window
_self - loads it in itself
_top - can’t remember, don’t use that often enough to care
Yes, I know, but you said to throw it in a frames page, and I was stating that if you wanted the page to load in a different window from the flash movie, you would have to target the framename, and not any of the default targets
And _top breaks out of frames and targets the main page.
*Originally posted by Random Hero *
**could just pop it into a frames page, or activate a url with a target of _self. **
I ment one or the other. Sorry I wasn’t clear on it.
Oh sorry, I didn’t notice the <B>or</B> there :hangover:
My mistake.