I did some searching and wasn’t able to find a thread that helped me with an answer. I’m trying to give a friend a hand with his project and could use a bit of direction. We are trying to pass a string of variables and values from an html page to a flash project. We’re using javascript to put the variables and values into a string named queryvar. We are able to view the string using a javascript alert box at the time that it should be passed to flash. Now here’s where I can’t figure out where the problem lies…I’m not sure if we’re passing the string to the flash movie properly. The html embed tags are as follows:
document.write(’<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=“pie_chart.swf?’ + queryVar + '”>’);
document.write(’<PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="’ + queryVar + ‘">’);
document.write(’<EMBED src=“pie_chart.swf?’ + queryVar + '” FlashVars="’ + queryVar + ‘"…
We are using Loadvars in flash to try to grab the string:
//calc_step3.htm is the file that has the swf embedded
var c = new LoadVars();
c.load(“calc_step3.htm”, 0, “GET”);
I try using parseint to parse the string but get NaN error.
If anyone has a good way to test this or any suggestions please let me know. Thank you!