Loaded image cant be masked?

Try to mask a dinamicaly loaded img and not work, is a limitation from Flash MX or I make a mistake in my code?

You have to wait until the image is completely loaded before you can use setMask OR you can put that image inside a container clip and mask the container, which is a lot easier.

Thanks for your quick reply
I loaded in a container, mask the containerā€¦ nothing.
How can I now if an img is fully loaded? the loadMovie dont have status or something elseā€¦

You can use the getBytesLoaded and getBytesTotal methods.

But as I said, the other method is better. Instead of doing

container.loadMovie ("somePic.jpg") ;
container.setMask (theMask) ;

you can do

container.createEmptyMovieClip ("picContainer", 0) ;
container.picContainer.loadMovie ("somePic.jpg") ;
container.setMask (theMask) ;

See what I mean? :slight_smile: