Loaded Movie Levels

Hey there, I know this is basic but if anyone can help out that would be excellent…

I am loading a seperate SWF into Level 1 of my main movie using the loadMovieNum action. This works perfectly and loads a movie of the same size into Flash player. The only problem is that the buttons on Level 0 still seem to be active below, even though you can’t see them. This means that although Level 0 is completely concealed users may mistakenly click on a button on the level below. Is there a way to deactivate the buttons on Level 0 or should I just replace the movie with the new one?

Thanks very much!

If your buttons are movieclips you can use…

instanceName.enabled = false;

This will allow you to disable your movie clip. I am not sure if this works on button symbols or not, but I know for fact that it works for movie clip symbols acting as buttons.

Thanks Lost, I’ll give that a go. Does this mean I would apply that to all of the buttons on Level 1? Mmmm, do you think it may actually be better just to unload the original movie and load the new one in its place. I suppose it would then continuously unload and reload the movies as the user navigates around. :q:

Whatever floats your boat :slight_smile:

If you want to just unload the movie, since it is overlapped you probably won’t have to load in a new movie, just unload the old movie, then when needed, load it in again.

But also instead of doing all of that, and retyping the button disable code you can put it in a function.

On the first frame in the _root timeline you can do something like this…

function disable() {
	button1.enabled = false;
	button2.enabled = false;

Then when you want to disable your buttons you can do this…


Then do re-enable them you can reverse the process by adding ANOTHER function called enable…

function enable() {
	button1.enabled = true;
	button2.enabled = true;

And call it as


=) Awesome. Thanks Lost, that helps me heaps. Have a good day! :beam:

No problem. Good Luck :slight_smile: