Loaded Sound won't loop

I don’t know why, but my sound dosn’t loop, even though I set it to loop, here is the complete code:

This is on my 1st frame:
bg_music = new Sound(_root);
bg_music.loadSound(“music.mp3”, true);

This is on my sound controler clip, shows the progress of the music playing and stuff:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var musicloaded = _root.bg_music.getBytesLoaded();
var musictotal = _root.bg_music.getBytesTotal();
var lprogress = Math.round((musicloaded / musictotal) * 100);
var musicttime = _root.bg_music.duration;
var musicptime = _root.bg_music.position;
var pprogress = Math.round((musicptime / musicttime) * 100);
mc_loaderbar._xscale = lprogress;
mc_playedbar._xscale = pprogress;

if (lprogress >= 30) {


And this is on my frame 2:

I tried with “loop” too, but the sound just plays once

Please help