Loader loading swf not working!

Hi all,

I’m having trouble with a simple loader not loading an external swf file.

I have a set of menu buttons (created from a class) that store the swf file name. When these are clicked they run a function that supposed to load the swf file but for some reason it doesn’t (but maybe it does load it, just not display it). So here’s the code:

var urlLoader:Loader = new Loader();

var pageHolder:Sprite = new Sprite();
pageHolder.height = 420;
pageHolder.height = 950;
pageHolder.x = -476;
pageHolder.y = 190;

//3D Button
var btn3D:MenuButton = new MenuButton(" 3D", menuFont, menuFontSize, menuFontColour, "3DXML.xml", "Untitled-1.swf", true, false);
containerMenu.addChild(btn3D);		//Adds button to container

btn3D.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickMainBtn);

function clickMainBtn(event:Event):void{
	var urlRequest:URLRequest = new 		

	preloader.x = 0;
	preloader.y = 100;

	trace("loading page");

function pageLoaded(event:Event):void{
	trace("page loaded");

The “page loaded” trace is being displayed, so must load the swf but not show it.
I can’t even see the preloader.
I also tried a very simple swf file with just some shapes and 1 frame but still no luck.

Are there any specific class I need to import?

Any help would be much appreciated
Thanks in advance