Loader question

in AS2.0, when I load a swf into a MovieClip, that movieclip becomes the “stage” of the swf. I could then easily position and access my swf.
How do I do the same in AS3?

and oh, my loaded swf has a liquid layout, and I want the layout to adapt to the size of the Loader object, not the main stage. is that possible?


from there, you can position your swf, scale it,…etc.
is this what you were looking for?

thanks. what i’m actually trying to do is assign the Loader object to be the swf’s stage. is that possible?
and how do I access the movieclips, etc in my loaded swf?

1 - Impossible, stage can be only one. Maybe u need just root.
2 - through loader.content

thanks Felixz
my loaded swf is being dynamically resized using the stage.stageWidth and stage.stageHeight variables when the stage is resized. is there a way to make root == stage? so that in my main movie, my loaded swf wont occupy the whole thing, only a small portion, the same size as my Loader. :book:

Use UILoader Class