Help! I am trying to load an external stylesheet into a class I have created. This is my first attempt at writing a class and so far so good on loading the xml and other items needed. However, I have spent hours trying to solve this problem, referenced several threads (even on here) and haven’t found a solid solution. Below is my code. I am passing variables into it. The xml portion is perfectly fine and loading the string location of the stylesheet. its when I try to load the style sheet that it won’t load. It continues to throw the false message.
import TextField.StyleSheet;
class LoadNewPage{
/* variables */
public var myStyle_css:StyleSheet;
public var myXML_xml:XML;
public var styleLocation_str:String;
public var containerClip_mc:MovieClip;
private var xmlFile_xml:XML;
public function LoadNewPage(container_mc:MovieClip):Void {
containerClip_mc = container_mc;
myXML_xml = new XML();
private function parseMyXML():Void {
/* location of myXML_xml.xml within the folder */
var xmlLocation_str:String = "/global/xml/myXML_xml.xml";
xmlFile_xml = new XML();
/* begin set up for loading of XML */
xmlFile_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlFile_xml.onData = Delegate.create(this, xmlLoaded);
/* function that parses the XML */
private function xmlLoaded(xml_str:String):Void {
myStyle_css = new StyleSheet();
styleLocation_str = new String();
/* parses xml */
myXML_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
/* gathers total number of entries in xml */
totalEntries_num = myXML_xml.firstChild.childNodes.length;
/* pull location of styleSheet from the XML */
styleLocation_str = myXML_xml.childNodes[0].attributes.myStyleSheet;
loadStyleSheet(myStyle_css, styleLocation, containerClip_mc)
private function loadStyleSheet(myStyle_css:StyleSheet, styleLocation_str:String, containerClip_mc:MovieClip):Void {
/* loads external CSS document */
myStyle_css.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
if (success) {
trace("loaded CSS successfully");
containerClip_mc.test_txt.text.styleSheet = myStyle_css;
containerClip_mc.test_txt.text = "<so_boldedText>loaded stylesheet successfully!</so_boldedText>"+" "+success;
} else {
trace("NOT loaded CSS");
containerClip_mc.test_txt.text = "not loading css at all!";
Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Trying to get this portion done to move on to the rest of my application.