im trying to load an external movie clip named gallery.swf (which is based on xml) to be loaded into my main movie…
it seems my external movie clip is replacing the main movie.
i want it to be loaded inside it not in place of it.
here is the code of the gallery.swf:
var imageArray = new Array();
imageXML = new XML();
imageXML.onLoad = function ()
var __reg3 = undefined;
var __reg4 = undefined;
__reg4 = this.firstChild;
this.loadThumbsAtOnce = int(__reg4.attributes.loadthumbsatonce);
this.bgColor = __reg4.attributes.bgcolor;
this.pnlColor = __reg4.attributes.pnlcolor;
this.picBgColor = __reg4.attributes.picbgcolor;
this.showCaption = int(__reg4.attributes.showcaption);
this.captionBgColor = __reg4.attributes.captionbgcolor;
this.layoutType = int(__reg4.attributes.layout);
this.loadBarBgColor = __reg4.attributes.thumbloadbarcolor;
this.thumbLoadDelay = int(__reg4.attributes.thumbloaddelay);
this.roundRect = int(__reg4.attributes.roundrect);
this.roundPix = int(__reg4.attributes.roundpix);
this.captionColor = __reg4.attributes.captioncolor;
this.shadowWidth = int(__reg4.attributes.shadowwidth);
this.drawShadows = int(__reg4.attributes.drawshadows);
this.shadowAlpha = int(__reg4.attributes.shadowalpha);
this.showSelected = int(__reg4.attributes.showselected);
this.selectionColor = __reg4.attributes.selectioncolor;
this.shadowColor = __reg4.attributes.shadowcolor;
this.showPrintBtn = int(__reg4.attributes.showprintbtn);
this.animPageBtns = int(__reg4.attributes.animpagebtns);
this.titleColor = __reg4.attributes.titlecolor;
this.pageBtnColor = __reg4.attributes.pagebtncolor;
this.popupLink = int(__reg4.attributes.popuplink);
this.smoothScroll = int(__reg4.attributes.smoothscroll);
if (this.layoutType != 1 && this.layoutType != 2 && this.layoutType != 3 && this.layoutType != 4) {
this.layoutType = 1;
var __reg6 = __reg4.childNodes.length;
__reg3 = 0;
while (__reg3 < __reg6)
var __reg5 = new Array();
imageXML.ignoreWhite = true;
if (this.xmlFile == undefined) {
this.xmlFile = "gallery.xml";