Loading an external txt into a different scene?

Hi people I’m having a problem loading an external txt file into my movie from a different scene… I have got the text file to load in with no problem on scean 1 but if I copy the code etc to scene 2 it does not work :frowning:

Okay this is what I have got on scene 1…

a. text field with the var: textbox
b. a blank movie clip that loads an external button with the following code appended to it…

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.message <> “”) {
_parent.textbox = _parent.message;

c. this script on the first frame before the buttons are loaded… message = “”; (This script sets message to have no value)
d. And finally on the externally loaded button is the following code…

on (release) {
loadVariables(“pro/pro1.txt”, “_parent”);

Must I point the script to go to scene 2? If so how do I do this?

If anyone wants to see the source files just email me…


dEVS! :smirk:
