hello there. i can’t seem for all my reading and prodding figure out how to load an external .swf into a placeholding mc. is this possible? or am i using a hammer to type? i would greatly appreciate any help.
self deprecating humor: there are no stupid question, but there are lots of inquisitive idiots.
EG: Yes it works with both absolute and relative URLs, but the files must be viewed and run from the same server. Otherwise you would need to use the LocalConnection object and it’s allowDomain property. I tried that and couldn’t get it to work, but I didn’t try very long either
You can also try something like this like how lost stated and also define where it’s going to show up on stage:[AS]onClipEvent(load){
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“emptyMC”, 1);
_root.emptyMC._x = 145;
_root.emptyMC._y = 120;
That creates a empty movieclip with an instance name of “emptyMC” and it will load photoslide into emptyMC. It will also place emptyMC on those x and y cordinates. Just play with the numbers till you get it where you want it.
Also keep in mind that x = 0 and y = 0 would be the top left corner of your movie.
A little addition: use a high number for the depth. There could be an mc already there, so a high number will prevent the new mc from overwriting the old.