Loading and unloading moviesclips in different levels

I’ve got a bit of a problem.

I’ve got a mainmovie.exe, which creates 4 emptymovieclips as containers
all of the containers load an external movie

the one at the top with a menu/buttons
I’d like the buttons when clicked to unload all the containers and reload the original lowest level movie from a particular frame. then it’ll go through the process of creating empty clips, and load each external movie again

But since I’m playing the movies in an exe. I dont know how to unload all the containers and start the root/lowest level movie from a particular frame of a particular scene.

The main movie is called mainmovie.exe, it creates containers 1 - to 4 as empty ,movie clips.

DOes its thing, reaches a particular frame and loads movies into into container 1 - to 3, and topcontainer. Topcontainer is the most important. It has the buttons/menu. WHen I put an “on release action” to unload all the other containers and gotoAndPlay root ->frame 2, it doesnt work. It unloads everything, but wont load goto And Play.I’m left with a blank screen.

Help anyone?

So frame 2 of root mainmovie.exe

_root.createEmptyMovieClip (“topcontainer”,4);

frame 60 of mainmovie.exe



button action of button in movie top.swf, loaded inside mainmovie.exe where there is an created emptyclip topcontainer

on (release)

_root.gotoAndPlay(“books”, 2);


here are the flas

They’re massive. Still a beginner so forgive the size and arrangment.


there’s the ROOT movie
then |-> container 1, level 1
then |-> container 2, level 2
then |-> container 3, level 3
then |-> topcontainer, level 4 ( which has the buttons)
I want the buttons in the movie loaded into level 4 to make the rootmovie to go to and Play scene"books" from frame 2.
Somehow the syntax isnt right cause even if I take out the unloads, the root.gotoAndPlay doesnt work
Should I maybe load all the other movies into one level since they dont ovelap anyway ?
If I’m calling a movie loadede into a container, at level 4, what should be the syntax to get the bottommost movie, root or level 0, to do its thing?
Can I load the mainmovie.swf into _root level? Cause it contains all the other movies. Whats the syntax for that?