Hi there I have made a site in flash which has two sections the top half which contains the menu and animation image, this part is the same throughout the site.
Then the bottom half which is the text and this changes for each page, the way I have done and is prob not the right way but the only way I knew. I saved each section the same as the home page and deleted all the other stuff on the page I didnt need, then had it load onto the same level, so the main part of the site would stay and the text would load in the bottom of the page.
Is there a way you can have external swf load into a specific box on the page, and how would I have a movie to unload, ex. the text box at the bottom shape tweens open but when a different button at the top is cliked I want the shape tween to close and then open with the new section and so on and so on for each section. I have the site I can upload if its hard to understand, thanking anyone in advance!