Loading bar ! whant it longer ? TUT HLP!

I was creating a loader that loads up the movie(s)
i found it in Kirupa(s) flash mx advanced tut(s)…
and when i whant to creat a longer LOADBAR ! it gos to the size of the tutorial not the size that i whant it to go like longer than the tutorials long !

Opssy Sorry sorry !

I found out !

Here !

just change this

this.loadBar._width = getPercent*100;

the 100 is the how long is the loadbar the width of it !

yea…multiply it by whatever you want the final length to be

The script is what holds things from playing until all is loaded and also tells a shaped object (this case a rectangle) to fill in proportion to that load progress …

…You want it longer ? - you have to stretch it (your rectangle border :!: )out to the size that you want it else they won’t match

[inEdit:: due to I was thinking of a beginFill method at first]