Hello all,
I’m trying to load a Bitmap from and external URL, and manipulate a few pixels color and alpha values. I’ve managed to get the BitmapData and change some pixel colors, but there’s a problem with the transparency.
The ‘transparent’ property in BitmapData is only getable (non-setable), and after loading the Bitmap it’s automatically given transparent=false.
I’ve tried solving this in a few methods, without much success:
My first attempt was to set the property of the BitmapData:
[COLOR=Blue]bitmapData.transparent = true;[COLOR=Black] -
Created a new BitmapData with transparency enabled, and setting the loaded bitmap’s BitmapData onto the new one, hoping that the transparent field will remain ‘true’.
[COLOR=Black]Can somebody help me load a JPG file from a URL, and change some alpha values of certain pixels in the BitmapData?