Loading dynamic text


I’m completely new to AS2.0 and my mission is to load the contents of a number of .txt-files into a textbox(?). First off I don’t know the difference between textarea, text tool, text input, but thats another question. I’ve looked at some of the tutorials and managed to load the contents into a textfield. The problem is that I have to maintain the
and also maintain characters such as å,ä, and ö when they are loaded. As of now that doesn’t work.

I’ve loaded the contents using LoadVars.Load and when that’s loaded I’ve tried using both textbox.Text = this.Variable as well as textbox.html=true; textbox.htmlText = this.Variable and neither work. I still get weird characters although I can’t really tell if the
's are still there.

Question is how I maintain the “formatting” as well as the characters I mentioned earlier.

Thanks in advance!
