just like the title says… is it possible? I have found this online but it doesn’t seem to be working as planned it does place the image on stage, but what I want to use it as a texture.
public function loadTexture(url:String, target:MovieClip) {
var bitmap:BitmapData;
// Create a movie clip which will contain our
// unsmoothed bitmap
var bmc:MovieClip = target.createEmptyMovieClip("bmc",target.getNextHighestDepth());
// Create a listener which will notify us when
// the bitmap loaded successfully
var listener:Object = new Object();
// Track the target
listener.tmc = target;
// If the bitmap loaded successfully we redraw the
// movie into a BitmapData object and then attach
// that BitmapData to the target movie clip with
// the smoothing flag turned on.
listener.onLoadInit = function(mc:MovieClip) {
mc._visible = false;
bitmap = new BitmapData(mc._width, mc._height, true);
this.tmc.attachBitmap(bitmap, this.tmc.getNextHighestDepth(), "auto", true);
// Do it, load the bitmap now
var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
loader.loadClip(url, bmc);
What am I doing wrong?