I am trying to load external images and .swf’s for the first time and was wondering if anyone had any tips, or tutorials they could send my way. I am working with large imagery inside a flash banner animation and I know there has to be a quicker way to get them to load.
But what is the actionscript I would use to make that possible?
Create an empty movie clip and position it where you want the external file to load. The little crosshair symbol of the empty mc represents the top left corner.
In your AS use loadMovie, specify the empty mc by its instance name, and specify the path to the file as described by WhiteRau.
You can also specify the level to load it into with loadMovieNum, but that may be more than you need to know.
use moviecliploader:
var mcLoader=new MovieClipLoader();
var mcListener=new Object();
I am trying that by using the following in a blank keyframe. And it is not working, if my instance name is martini should I be starting it with martini.Loadmovie or something like that?
var mcLoader=new MovieClipLoader();
var mcListener=new Object();
Here is a couple of great tutorials.
hope it helps.