Loading external movie - help!

hi all

would anyone beable to find a simple solution to this problem?
I have downloaded a free template from flashmo of a circle menu gallery. What I am trying to do is get two circle menu galleries working, one on the left and other on the right.

I have my main movie(flashmo_129_circle-main.swf) which loads in the other movie(flashmo_129_circle-right.swf)using this script;

var loader_mc : Loader = new Loader();
var urlRequest : URLRequest = new URLRequest("flashmo_129_circle-right.swf");

this all loads in great but when you publish the movie strange thinks happen to both gallery wheels…this is my problem!!!

I cannot get them to run together in the same movie…is this making any sense…ha! ha! - DOh!

I have attached a zip file with working examples

any help would be great, if anyobe has a better idea of how to achieve the effect rather than loading in an external swf please do say : )

thanks for any help!!