Loading External Movies (under same domain)

I have three (3) buttons in my main movie. And I just realized that everytime I press the “about me” button, it keep loading, reloading, the same movie. Its kinda lame! So I searched for VARIABLES and thought I could work my way around it.

What I did was, on the first frame of my movie, I declared 3 variables; namely:

var portfolio = false;
var aboutme = false;
var contact = false;

now for the ABOUT ME button, I placed this AS

btn_aboutme.onRelease = function() {
	if (aboutme == false) {
	} else {
		var aboutme = true;

But I think I missed something along the lines because evertime I click on ABOUT ME, I still get the movie to load. My point here is that once I have CLICKED one button and the designated movie for that button is loaded, I can not reload it again 'cause it’s already there.

What am I missing? I hope someone can push me at the right direction here :slight_smile:
Here is the FLASH MOVIE I am trying to developing.

Thank you