Loading external mp3s (mx)

I’m loading mp3s and I would like to know how to create a preloader _mc for it. I’m loading them using .loadSound script set to false. Any tips would be much helpful.

I’m new to Flash, so this is going to be a little vague, but you can do it using getBytesLoaded and getBytesTotal. BytesLoaded is then used to provide a value to _xscale a loader bar or give a percentage. The “creating a sound bar” tutorial may be useful to you here.

I’m sure someone will elaborate on this out for you…

thanks pissant. I’ll check it out.

you could modify a preloader to do something like the following (assuming that you are familiar with flash mx’s sound object & using a suitable handler):

total = mySound.getBytesTotal()/1024;
loaded = mySound.getBytesLoaded()/1024;
percent = loaded / total * 100;
loaderBar._xscale = percent;

that’s pretty much what i used for my dynamic xml mp3 player.

well, heres an awesome resource for dynamic mp3 loading…


Geez, thats probably the longest tutorial in the history of tutorials!!

but it rox the house…thats for sure…