it was great to have your answer. it worked really as i wanted.
can u help with another thing based on same theory. this theory was for loading in levels.
now i have created the same thing but not in levels.
i have created manually a bigmovieclip name “container” and inside it another movie “subcontainer”.
and the script works fine with this theory also.
but i want to know how can we make the external pic load in the centre of “container”.
in our levels theory we have centre it according to stage.
but now we dont have to centre it according to stage. its now according to container and subcontainer. it has nothing to do with the stage.
what should i edit or replace in that script to make it work
[quote=prg9;2349573]Hi vineet,
I answered your question about centering images in your other thread:
(I would recommend using the MovieClipLoader method, like your other thread as it offers more built in control)[/quote]
I answered your question about centering images in your other thread:
(I would recommend using the MovieClipLoader method, like your other thread as it offers more built in control)[/QUOTE]
hi prg9
it was great to have your answer. it worked really as i wanted.
can u help with another thing based on same theory. this theory was for loading in levels.
now i have created the same thing but not in levels.
i have created manually a bigmovieclip name “container” and inside it another movie “subcontainer”.
and the script works fine with this theory also.
but i want to know how can we make the external pic load in the centre of “container”.
in our levels theory we have centre it according to stage.
but now we dont have to centre it according to stage. its now according to container and subcontainer. it has nothing to do with the stage.
what should i edit or replace in that script to make it work