i’ve designed a flash site, based on the full site tutorial here at kirupa.com. all my navigation buttons work fine . the main navigation buttons load external swfs into a blank clip on the main movie… and i’ve also got it set up so that a few of the external swfs load a second set of external swfs into the main movie. C:-)
now that all of that’s working… what i cant figure out how to do is:
[color=red]how to get one of those external swfs to load into the the blank clip, at the START of the movie, with out pressing any buttons?[/color]
while searching the forums here, came across this code:
onClipEvent (load) {
now… that comes close to working – start_index is loaded… sorta… but it “blinks” on and off… and then none of the other navigation works.
And for some reason, when I change the external swf to load in the code,like this:
onClipEvent (load) {
then NOTHING happens… the i_index is NOT automatically loaded. most of the navigation then does not work at all. two of the external swfs will load and be visible for a brief second, then disappear. the rest dont load at all.
[color=red]so… how do i get the start_index to load automaticly… .and why does the changing the paticular .swf i load, make any difference?