Hi. This is my first post. Great forum!
My problem is simple and annoying:
I have two swf files, where one (lets call it A) is supposed to load and display the other(B).
The first swf (A) is using the Loader class in AS3 to load the other. In fact the loading code in A is an exact copy of the Adobe example code from the livedocs for Loader.
The other swf (B) just spins some meaninless graphics in a loop, and has a document class that has one line of code in its constructor:
trace("B’s stage is: " + stage);
When I start swf A, the loading of swf B starts fine. The progress is reported as traces all the way up to 100% before swf B’s constructor is called and the following is traced:
B’s stage is: null
THEN the complete handler is triggered (yes. AFTER the constructor was called for B with no stage).
The problem is that I really need B to have a stage for my project to work, as I will actually use stage, instead of just tracing it. I have really tried everything to get this working. Is there no way so soothe B into having a valid stage before its constructor is loaded?
I have searced for a solution, this was the closest i could find:
I hope you can help me out with this. Thanks!