I have been following the script found in the tutorials but it is not working very well for me. I have 4 buttons for 4 sections of my portfolio and the first one is loading ok but when I press the other buttons, the movies don´t load or load whenever they want! I am quite confused!
I will like to know if it is something related with the script _root.section=“portfo.swf”; that I put in the transition movie clip. just need this one? why not one for the other sections?
any one can help me? I am a rookie and I am traying to build my web portfolio!
other question: when the swf loads into the main movie I am not able to see the dynamic and clicable text of these movies but I can see the images. I don´t understand why because everything works in each of the movies.
If anyone is able to help me I can send you the fla file.