:proud:Hi everyone, I’ve been reading around the Web and looking at my ActionScript 3.0 book for a while now. I’ve gathered some knowledge about what I want to do, but I don’t know ActionScript enough to make logical deductions when it comes to making modules like this one.
I need this to finish my personal Website, here is what I had in mind. I wanted to make a module that can load external SWF’s, and when it loads them it has a little preloader. If you change SWF’s, it fades out the current one, removes it and loads the next .SWF
Another example
Press button 1 -> load external button1.swf + activates preloader -> display content
With button 1 loaded -> press button 2 -> fades out button1.swf -> load external button2.swf + activates preloader… ETC
I basically have everything in separate parts… how to load an external .SWF, a preloader with error checking (taken from here, TY senocular! :proud:)
But it’s making it all work together that I have no clue… anyways any help would be appreciated.
edit: I also forgot to mention that I wanted the .SWF to load in a specific area (i.e.: a Movie Clip) but I read that you can’t really do that in AS3, because you use the display list? I’m confused.
I have the external .SWF’s load in my content_mc Movie Clip, but they are offset like crazy for some reason.