I have this function that allows you to preload external swfs into a movie clip when you click on a button. For example on a web site you have a container n when the user clicks about us the swf file “about us” will load into the container. My problem is i can not get a swf to load into the container when the intro animation to the site is done. So the user must click one of the pages before the pages can be displayed. Basicly i would like to have the first page about us to load in when the intro animation is done. here is the code. Any help with this will be greatly apperciated. Thank you.
///button rollover code
b1.onRollOver = over
b1.onRollOut = out
b1.buttText.buttonText.text = “about us”
///button code
b2.onRollOver = over
b2.onRollOut = out
b2.buttText.buttonText.text = “Products”
///button code
b3.onRollOver = over
b3.onRollOut = out
b3.buttText.buttonText.text = “People”
///button code
b4.onRollOver = over
b4.onRollOut = out
b4.buttText.buttonText.text = “Contact”
function over () {
function out () {
////// end button code
////// button onrelase code
//////////////////////////load swfs
b1.onRelease = function() {
b4.onRelease = function() {
//////////////////////////load swfs
// this function begins preloading a swf url
function startPreload(url) {
preloader_mc.url = url;
preloader_mc.target = content_mc;
next = null;
Thank you guys for your time.