Loading external swfs

Hello all,

Still having the same troubles placing everything correctly. How do I load external swfs into the correct position? Or how do I place a loaded movie in the position I want? To test, I made a new file and loaded a blank movie clip, named “blankhost” and another movie clip with just a box on it, named “host”. Then I made 2 buttons, with the code:

loadMovie(“movie.swf”, “blankhost”);

loadMovie(“movie.swf”, “host”);

I can get the movie to load into the new page, however the placement is not where I want it. For example, how does kirupa load this little ‘crosshairs’ graphic in just that little area?


or how does this wall bounce swf, stay in the little area on the page?


I’m trying to use loadMovie but cannot get the placement right of the external swfs. Thanks for any help!!8]

make your to-be-loade movies with the same stage dimension on the main movie, and place them were you want them to be.
then, when you load them, they will be in that exact same spot.



Hi GuigO,
thanks for the reply, but I am still confused. I have attached files if you coulc please look at them. The first titled “1_24_03host” is the main movie in which I have 2 buttons (only 1 rigged up) and a blank mc and another mc in which I drew a blue box. The second file titled “to_export_tooth1” is a tooth graphic which bounces around. The effect I am trying to achieve is to have the tooth bounce around within the blue box.

So, on the main timeline, “1_24_03host” how do I properly position the mc’s to hold my loaded mc? Please take a look and let me know your thoughts. thanks, :sigh:


here is the second file in which I am trying to place in a specific area. thanks, dave.


here is the second file in which I am trying to place in a specific area. thanks, dave.

you got a lot of errors there…

let me fix that for ya, but can you tell me if that “to_export_tooth1” file need to be loaded on “1_24_03host” or if i can put them together in a single file?


Hi GuigO,

Yes, you can combine the files. These are only an example files in which I was trying the placement thing. The real file in which I am trying to do is too large to attach here. That is why I’m trying to break it up! To be able to load smaller movies. but yes, please, any suggestions you have would be great. thanks again:beam:

I also fixed some other mistakes (-:

got to go now. :run:

if you have any more questions, post´em here and i help ya later.

see ya :bounce:

Hi GuigO,

Thanks for the help. I hate to keep bothering you but the file you sent back to me would not open in my version of Flash. The version I am using is Flash 5.0 r30. I think the file you sent is version 5.0 r60. Could you please re-send it in the r30 format, or how do I upgrade to your format? Are you running Flash MX?
thanks, dave.

i keep forgeting about that. sorry.

i´ll reinstall the F5 on my machine and do that for ya. maybe tomorrow is done.

cheers :slight_smile:

Sounds good, thanks for your help.:beard:

When you load an external movie into a blank movie clip, it is a simple matter to position that clip (and the swf it contains) anywhere you want:


In this example, myClip is the instance name of a blank movie clip from your library. Drag the blank movie clip onto the stage (on the layer you want), and give it the instance name (in this case) of myClip. Now you can position the clip anywhere you want using the format of the sample lines, above, which would position your clip at 100,100.

Hope that helps.

yes, it does, thank you Splinx…