Loading External Swf's

…thank you all so much, those of you who have helped me to this point.

this has gotta be the most frustrating project ever.
it just does not want to be made…

so i figured out what i was doing wrong with the external swf linking.
finally fixed that.

then realized i needed to include transitions…
fixed THAt…

just to find that the preloader didnt work anymore…
then fixed THAT.

NOW. yet ANOTHER problem arises…
I am trying to get an external swf (main.swf) to play automatically upon
loading of the entire movie (index.swf)
now i have this code in frame one of index.fla:

_root.currMovie = “main”;

so main.swf plays…
but it gets…stuck.
it loads forever.
and the load percentage shows “0…”

i have NO clue what’s going on…
anyone ever have this problem?

it runs fine when play main.swf on its own:

but it gets all wierd when i try to play it through index.swf:

…someone tell me what’s going on…please? :}

Didn’t get to see the entire code, but here goes…

It seems like what is happening is that you did not specify to flash which “_root” to use, so it thinks any refrence to “_root” is your main swf, not the one your loading. so in the main timeline, i assume you have an “actions” layer, put this peice of actionscript in “this._lockroot = true;”

(minus the quotes of course)

This will do it for you as far as loading the external swf, now the preloader is a whole other ball game…i would recomend 1 preload script in the Main Swf file that you are loading all the external swf’s into.

Hope that helps!

P.S. If that doesnt work, try this (i just thought of it)
put this below the lockroot code, and this will load the external swf garunteed (minus the preloader of course) Also check for case sensitive actionscript, that always bugs me when the layout of script is perfect (or close to) except for a case sensitive code.


(minus the quotes of course)

Code Explaination: loadTarget is the “instance” (the name you can give to a movie clip in the properties), and loadMovie is the actual movieclip name, and of course home.swf is the swf im loading into the “loadMovie” movieclip

That does not include your preloader, but i think its safe to say from a troubleshooting standpoint, the preloader needs to be eliminated until you solve this problem. 1 VARIABLE AT A TIME! And from my experience the preloader is so easy, but yet is the source of so many problems!

I am not sure your skill level so forgive me in advance if i made you feel like a 1st grader all over again with my explainations



it was the lock.root
i didnt kno about that code.
so i suppose i didnt specify which root.

soooooo much.
