Loading html data from a text file

i have a code that will load text from a text file and put it in a dynamic text field:

loadText = new loadVars();
// creating the loadVarsText function
loadText.onLoad = function() {
Content.text = this.start;

Thats good and all but, i want it to load it and process it as html cause i was going to put this in the text file(main.txt)…

Hello, contact me at <a href="me@myserver.com">My Email address</a>

I dont want it to say exactly that, i want it to say it as text with a link, i dont want to make the text filed html like that button does becuase it goes all white and i want the background like there would be on a text field,

Note: this text field is dynamic

:trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: :trout:

I’m not 100% about this but give it a go.

Change the text to htmlText like this:

[AS]Content.htmlText = this.start;[/AS] or render the dynamic text field as html with the property inspector with the <> button.

the <> button is what i dont want to do becuase it gives it a whit backgroubd

nermind, the <> workds, i must have b een thinking of a diffrent button

your were thinking of the ‘show border around text’ box.

Oh…was going to post a new thread about this, but thanks for posting this, and thanks all for the info. :smiley: