I want to load an image onto a Movie Clip when I press a button. So far, for the button on the stage I have:
on (release) {
loadMovie(“pics/1.gif”, _root.photo);
I’ve created a movie clip on the stage w/ the instance name photo. My images are in the folder pics relative to the flash file. When I run the movie and click on the button, nothing happens. What am I missing here?
progressive pictures were developed to allow people to put high quality images on the web without stoping the flow of construction of a web page. So the browser encounters a progressive pic, it downloads a fuzzy version of the pic (low quality, not much k in size), then it continues to load the rest of the doc. When it reaches the end of the document, it then goes back and downloads the remainder of the images k, improving quality in steps… hence “progressive”.
Flash doesn’t understand progressive images because they are loaded in peices.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell if an image is progressive or not. The most sure fire way to know is to open the picture in Adobe photoshop, hit “save for web”, check OFF the check box for progressive image, and hit save.
I’m not sure what programs other than photoshop will convert progressive to nonprogressive.