[color=black]Hi! I used this code to load some images into my site. Does anybody know how my code should look like if I want to load it with an uniqe parameter. I’m truly sorry: my english isn’t very good![/color]
do a search (google or whatever) for flash cache issues, there is a way to use a randomly generated number to make each loadmovie unique… I can’t remember where i saw it now though, check the tutes at actionscript.org as well…
what are you trying to do? load an external image, with the same name, but different content every few weeks? You want to avoid having the users browser cache the image??
yeah, that’s pretty much what I’m trying to do.
I have a code I’m using to load my text, and it works perfect. The problem is that I don’t know how I can use that code for the images.