Loading Independent Images

Hello everyone

I have a movie located here…


What I want to do is to let each of those three image windows to rotate a set of separate images independently of each other using actionscript.

In other words, the image window on the left will be rotating about 5 to 10 images while the image in the middle will do the same but with a different set of images and the same for the image window on the right.

Can someone help or lead me to a good site for assistance?

Please bare with the slow loading. I haven’t built a preloader yet.


This would work of course, but it may not be the best way. It randomly loads jpgs from the leftPhotoArray every 1000 ms. Something similar would also work for the middle and the right image holders. Any questions, just ask.

leftPhotoArray = ["p0.jpg", "p1.jpg", "p2.jpg"];
left._x = 50;
left._y = 20;
loadLeftFrame = function(){
	i = Math.floor(Math.random()*leftPhotoArray.length);

id = setInterval(loadLeftFrame, 1000);


I will give that a shot.
