Does anyone know what might be the reason that some pictures load, and others don’t.
I was trying to make a picture-gallery with flash, and was just about to toss my computer out the door, when I thought about trying the same images on a working solution. The images didn’t load.
The I tried my own version with the completed ones’ pictures. It worked. Why is this?
No, this is not the problem. I am loading the image into a mc. It works fine for other images. This image (and some others, see first post) cause no error. They seem to load, but don’t display…
Strange, you are doing exactly the same with pics that load and with other pics that don’t. I’ve only loaded jpeg files in to flash in this way and in the reference in flash they only mention jpeg files being loaded. I’m wondering what the type of image file you are using are they all jpegs or are some gifs for example?
However, I did notice in your post that you said a jpeg file was not loading correctly the way that you want it to.
I’ve got no other ideas on this one. Good luck <:}